Welcome to Threshold of Faith Church

Threshold of faith church was founded in September 2015 with a mandate from God to bring his people closer to him. Teaching them his word and bringing them to a level of victory by having a balanced Christian life, spiritually, mentally, financially and every other facet of their lives.


Raising Christ-like leaders that will deliver the world from all demonic tools of oppression and restoring Christianity to her enviable position.


  • Establishing School of discipleship to raise Christ-like leaders in character and auction (Matt 28:19)
  • Establishing billionaires club that will raise captains of industries, Factories e.tc/develop financial empowerment training.
  • Establish school of solutions.
  • Establish Missions
  • Crusades, Conferences
  • The church as a nation. (Ensure that we produce political gladiators in every sphere of our political system like Presidents, Governors etc. all over the world.



  1. I cannot be poor, sick and oppressed of the devil. 3John 2
  2. I shall grow to the top of my field, career and take my place of authority. Deuteronomy 28:13
  3. I am spiritually strong and able to take authority in my life through the power of prayer Faith and God’s word. Like 10:19
  4. I can live above sin through the power of Grace Room 6:14
  5. I believe that God’s word is the basis for my Miracles Isaiah 55:11

How to become part of us

Processes to becoming a member or worker.
1. Attend Crossing The Thresh: Refiners Chambers.
2. Get Baptised in Water by Immersion and in the Holy Spirit
3. Attend Workers in Training
4. Join a Department after meeting their individual requirements.
5. Join a cell Fellowship.

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